We are thrilled to announce a new release of the Update Factory Android Client (1.2.0) to manage Android Updates at scale.
The new Android Client includes important improvements and bug fixes that we have been working on during the past months. To achieve this milestone, our customer feedback has been a key factor in order to improve robustness and usability of the Update Factory Android Client. Let’s cut to the chase and dig into what is new!
Switch to Eclipse Foundation’s hara-ddiclient library. During the past year Kynetics has worked hard to refactor its open source uf-ddiclient library, core component of the Update Factory Android Client. The uf-ddiclient library has been since renamed to hara-ddiclient and, as previously announced, Kynetics has contributed the code of the hara-ddiclient library to the Eclipse Foundation. Release 1.2.0 of the Update Factory Android Client marks the full adoption of the vendor neutral hara-ddiclient library that guarantees its code has passed the Eclipse Foundation due diligence.
Improved handling of download failures. Thanks to the feedback from our customer we realized poor internet connections are a common source of headaches. While the Update Factory Android Client already performed multiple download attempts, in release 1.2.0 we improved the retry behavior by implementing an exponential backoff strategy. Please increase the Artifact Download Lifetime to be at least 2 days to fully take advantage of this new feature.
Bugfixes. Several bugfixes are implemented in the 1.2.0 release. See the project Release Notes for a detailed changelog.