Kynetics will be speaking at the Embedded Linux Conference – North America 2019 in San Diego, California during August 21 – 23 at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront.
We will be speaking at two sessions:
Challenges of using Containers to Run Graphical Embedded Systems
Despite their quick success and adoption, containers are already a well established technology and their use is steadily rising also in the embedded community. However the specific requirements of an embedded system set new challenges like running demanding graphical applications.
While containers’ most common use case is to easily deploy headless server applications, graphical subsystem containerization is heavily dependent on the SOC GPU architecture.
This session will provide an overview of the challenges encountered running X11 and Wayland applications inside docker containers on ARM SOCs. In particular we will focus on new advantages with respect to a traditional monolithic embedded OS but considering also container drawbacks and limitations.
In our journey we’ll share our considerations and results with respect to different software setups, security & isolation, support for accelerated graphics and video decoding which are not an option on systems featuring a GUI.
Presented by Diego Rondini
More info can be found here.
Improving Embedded Systems Boot Time by Hibernation: An Overview on the State of the Art and a Case of Study on i.MX family of Processors
Improving boot time is always a delicate matter and literature is very rich. Linux based OSes benefit from standard optimization approaches however, Android is still far away from having exciting results especially because most the heavy block happens in user space. Hibernation, suspend-to-disk, is undoubtedly a different perspective to look at improving boot time. When the hibernation mode is entered the system hardware state is copied to non-volatile memory like MMC and all power can be removed by the system. On resume, the system is restored from peripherals to memory in a predetermined way. From this perspective just the very first boot will be a “regular” one and all the subsequents is just a restore operation which can take a few seconds. This session will provide the current state of the kernel development of Hibernation on ARM architectures and our tests on the popular i.MX family of processors including the new i.MX8 which today is one of the most promising SOCs.
Presented by Nicola La Gloria.
More info can be found here.